US CPA Firms2021-11-22T12:57:49-05:00

International Tax Partner for CPAs

Are you a CPA or tax firm who needs an international tax partner? Perhaps you want to retain your clients, but their cases now include elements that are out of your comfort zone?

The reality for most US CPAs is that international taxation is an area they don’t have the bandwidth to cover, but they want to help their clients in these areas.

This is where we come in as your international tax partner. Since we have focused exclusively on international tax since 1983, we know the ins and outs and can help you manage your risk. Sadly, we amend hundreds of tax returns done incorrectly by CPAs, so we know that international tax matters are complex, even for seasoned CPAs.

In recent years, more and more CPA firms have reached out to us to request help with international informational reports, tax support for expats, and consulting related to tax reform (e.g., Transition Tax and GILTI) or cross-border needs.

As a result, we regularly assist other firms in these areas. Some firms choose to outsource all of their clients’ international tax work to us. Others enlist our help only in selected areas.

We can tailor a solution to meet your clients’ needs and help you manage your risk.

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Frequently Asked Tax Questions from US CPAs

Do you accept clients from other CPA or tax firms to prepare just the International Informational Reports (IIR)?2019-11-01T15:43:43-04:00

Yes, we regularly work with other CPA or tax firms to prepare these forms. We can prepare Forms 3520, 3520-A, 8621, 8865, 965, 926, 5471, 8992, 5472, 8938, FinCEN Form 114, and 8858. We can also help with cryptocurrency reporting on IIRs and Schedule D/Form 8949.

As referring CPA or tax firm, you retain your client and maintain control over the tax return. We provide the requested IIRs for your client. Also, we can work together via a Master Contract of Services that can cover all of your referred client engagements.

Do you accept clients from other CPA or tax firms for just consulting advice, such as international corporate tax inbound planning?2019-11-01T15:44:03-04:00

Yes, we regularly work with other CPA or tax firms worldwide on “consulting only” projects. Some typical examples include inbound or outbound international corporate tax planning, earnings and profits studies, foreign tax pool reconciliation, transfer pricing studies, transition tax calculations, GILTI planning, and check-the-box elections.

The best way to work together will be under a Master Contract of Services.

Can you assist with foreign financial recreation for IRS audits or examinations?2019-11-01T15:44:28-04:00

Yes. We can assist you with IRS audits and examinations. We’ve been specializing in international taxation for over 35 years. We pride ourselves on being the best in the business when it comes to US foreign financial asset and income reporting regardless of the foreign jurisdiction at issue. For audits of tax returns, Streamlined Filings, and/or International Informational Reports, we can provide support and compliance services. Our staff speaks a variety of languages.

Can you review or prepare a Transition Tax calculation for the 2017 and/or 2018 tax year?2019-11-01T15:44:50-04:00

Yes. We can prepare either a delinquent Transition Tax calculation for the 2018 tax year or a current Transition Tax calculation for the 2018 fiscal year. We can also review a Transition Tax calculation made by a previous CPA or tax firm.

Note that the Treasury Department has estimated that many taxpayers may have overpaid their Transition Tax on the 2017 tax return. We regularly get inquiries to review the calculations, conduct earnings and profits studies, and/or foreign tax credit pool reviews in association with the Transition Tax’s final regulations.

Can you prepare calculations for the US Exit Tax and/or complete IRS Form 8854 as a standalone project?2019-11-01T15:45:13-04:00

Yes, we can assist you on these as a standalone project. The IRS announced on July 19, 2019, a new International Campaign for Expatriation and IRS Form 8854. As this area is now under heavy scrutiny, there should be extra due diligence given to a client’s facts and circumstances as it applies to IRC 877A.

We have been preparing these forms since the new version of IRC 877A came into being in 2008. We have extensive experience with this code section and Form 8854.

Ready for a free discovery call?

Our Services

Our CPA partners are some of our most valued clients. When you work with us, we’ll get the work done right. You’ll gain some of your time back because you won’t waste hours searching for answers that are hard to find. And you’ll avoid a lot of unnecessary risks.

We can help you with:

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How We Can Work Together

The easiest way to work together on standalone projects is under a Master Contract of Services that can cover all of your referred client engagements. We find this is advantageous because it removes the administrative burden for a new engagement letter for each new client referred.

For bigger, more complex projects or full tax returns, we work together via an engagement letter.

We also offer fee-based training for CPA firms on targeted matters, such as input and output training for IRS Forms 5471, 926, 8992, 3520, 3520-A, and 8854. We also provide training on how to approach and manage “clean-up” projects, such as OVDP, Streamlined Filing, and FBAR audits.

Why The Wolf Group?

Since 1983, we’ve worked with clients in the United States and abroad on international tax matters. We have a long history of “cleaning up” complex tax returns, reporting foreign assets, and reconstructing financial records.

Check out our extensive team of CPAs, all with vast international tax experience.

Looking for a Nexia Partner?

We’re an active member of Nexia, a global network of independent accountancy, tax and business advisors with over 250 firms around the globe.

Meet Our Tax Professionals

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What our clients say

“I appreciate that your staff always promptly responds to my questions/emails even when it’s not tax season!”

“The Wolf Group has been doing our taxes for over 20 years. They are excellent professionals, very pleasant and helpful, and I highly recommend them to anyone–particularly to those with complex international tax situations, such as G-4 Visas, foreign holding, and /or off-shore accounts.”

“I am very satisfied with the service at The Wolf Group. It’s very comforting to have the trust in professionals who are familiar with the G4 situation, as I have previously received conflicting and confusing guidance from most, if not all my previous tax advisors.”

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