Len Wolf at his retirement celebration, June 16, 2024
By Len Wolf, founding Partner of The Wolf Group, P.C.
A few of you will remember coming to see me in my condo in 1983, the year I established the Firm, then called Leonard S. Wolf, CPA. If you do, you may also recall the diplomas and professional certificates hanging on my dining room wall, likely hung 15 minutes prior to your arrival to replace the residential pictures that hung in their place the rest of the time. Then, from a tiny office without a working building elevator above the Social Security Administration offices in Falls Church to our beautiful new suite of today in Fair Lakes, our accommodations have improved.
My vision from the start was to establish a growing Firm that would not compromise on doing what was right, and best, for our clients. Together with a lot of help from some wonderful people with whom I was fortunate to connect, especially Bob Len, my partner since 1988, we built a professional practice on a foundation of trust, integrity, honesty and fair play. We built an extended family of incredible clients, staff members and friends of the Firm.
After 41 memorable and extraordinarily fulfilling years, I will be pursuing a “life after career” beginning July 1, 2024. Over the past half dozen years, we have been transitioning to the next generation of leadership. How fortunate we’ve been to have Mish Santa, J.D., LL.M, TEP as our International Tax Director and Jen Marenberg, MBA, CPA as our Chief Executive Officer in recent years. I have every confidence that they will, as they have to date, sustain the competence level of the services we provide, while retaining the values that have been fundamental in the growth of The Wolf Group, P.C.
I have often said that I was blessed to be one of very few folks I know that can say that I hardly ever woke in the morning with regret that I had to go to work. Involvement in The Wolf Group has truly been a labor of love for me.
Whether you have been a client or friend (or both) for 41 years or 41 days, I thank you for your trust in The Wolf Group. I truly value our relationship and wish you only the best in the years ahead.
Len Wolf